Look. I'm a person that is kooky and loopy. I sing a lot and even wish that I had my own tour to go on. The love within me that's just bursting at the seams can and will reach every person that I meet. I dance in my kitchen, occasionally "ice skating" around in my socks. My dreams are big but my confidence can be small a lot of the time. Ask me my opinion and I'll probably give you five. I don't choose favorites and though I tend to choose least favorites the playing field evens out over time. When I crave something I eat it, that is if it's in the house. I don't think I've ever gone out of my way for a craving, and having to bake it doesn't count, that's just part of my life. BAKING!!! I like to keep my carbon footprint to a daily minimum. I stopped going to the gym because I got a job that requires extra driving and instead I started jogging. I still have my gym membership because I like to swim, though I don't go and swim. I dress myself so that I am comfortable and confident in myself. I like to keep my hair lookin' good. Today it required a headband that I am not all that happy with...I just chose it over taking a shower because I knew that I would come home smelling of dog so I might as well keep the smell of lawn-mowin' on me. I'm not rich in money, only in talents. I'm an unorthodox Christian who thinks it's dumb to hate on anyone unless they're jumping to conclusions or being mean and unfair. Some days I just want a peanut butter sandwich with honey...or jelly, duh. I love watching true life kind of shows...yeah, the MTV show, but also shows on Ke$ha, Justin Beiber, and one I haven't seen is the one on Katy Perry. When I find moments to laugh at myself or I come up with something funny in my head I like to share it with people (facebook status!!!). I really like sending people snail mail and lately I've been make my own stationary! I have never done a tobacco product and I don't plan on it, even if I told my mom as a kid, "I used to smoke when I was old." I have also never done an illegal drug...I dislike how they turn people into being dependent upon something that hurts them and pulls them away from the clear open skies. Though I've gotten drunk before, I always remember. Haha! I went to a university and wish I would've just went to community college. I live with my parents...and I think they're smothering my fire. When my brother left us for the Marines, it was the scariest thing I've ever gone through...and that's just speaking for myself. I feel comfy cozy when my room is a mess...but I like to clean. Gardening and yard work are very rewarding tasks. I love being around people but I just want to stay home (this is the concept of being a social butterfly in a hermit crab's body) and because of this I tend to have to push myself out the door and away from sorry excuses...even if I really am tired. When other people are experiencing pain, heartache, or suffering, I tend to feed off of it and get sad. I am striving to become someone people can lean on. I hope I have become a better listener, as good as I am running my mouth. Blah blah blah...
What I'm saying all of this for is because I reach my hand out to someone and they don't reach back. It happens so often and it makes me question my awesomeness that so many people say I have. I don't know when it came about, but at some point I started to question everyone's sincerity. I feel like when I walk away the words they say about me are different than the ones they shared with me to my face. I'm probably just paranoid, and it's definitely not a problem with my closest friends. It's like I need to be reaffirmed. I know I'm good enough, so why don't they know? Why are they so reserved? Grrrrr. I'm just frustrated, I guess. I don't always even know what I'm saying, so to clarify it for myself: This is about one person who was there and since I made a certain choice they faded away though I tried my best to not let go. I don't know if there is any potential because I don't know the other side of the story. I wish we could all just speak our minds to each other from the truth of our hearts instead of just how we feel at the moment. I tried that though, with a few people, and it just made those days slumpy and my confidence mashed potatoes instead of baked.
Getting my brain going makes me feel good. I just wish I had all the answers. Doesn't everybody?! I want to write out a promise for myself and my future acquaintances: I promise to speak my mind and tell the truth. I promise to never hurt you or break your heart and/or trust. ....Simple and right, I'd say.
CONTEMPLATE THIS: It's a link to one of the Justin Timberlake songs that's been playing on the radio lately. I think he sounds whiny and that's why I was at first questioning if it was really his song. This video is
not my favorite...haha!