Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Live in the NOW

Driving on my way to work this morning, listening to FM station 100.7 (The Bobby Bones Show), they were talking about Amy's mom getting diagnosed with cancer. In one of the series I watch on Netflix, the star tennis player has also been diagnosed with cancer. Sure, its real life versus television life, but those experiences we go through vicariously either by way of a favorite radio show or a television series effect us.

Driving the fourty-ish minutes to work, and halfway there it hits me that I might not live until I'm 100+.  I might die young or I might suffer an injury that makes it difficult to fulfill my life's goals.
Now, instead on dreading the day I may or may not kick the bucket, I've decided to make a list of things I can do to make sure I'm living for the right here and now instead of living for the future.

First of all, my savings account is divided on a piece of paper into categories of: ceramics, camera, and a dog. These categories change and disappear because I either cash in or consolidate or give up on saving for something that wont come for another 20 years. I'd say that's living in the now, putting money aside just so you don't spend it on P.Terry's or bubble tea.

I want to get a Jeep.  It's my new "dream car" and I go through new ideas of "dream cars" every now and then but I think I'd look alright in a Jeep.  I have some setbacks though.  Credit.  Parents that don't care about my desires to be cool. 
But all of this sounds dumb when there are people walking miles for dirty water and every day more and more people realize that they are too battling cancer.  How does one live their life to the fullest while also helping others to make it through their hardest times?  How does one gain the drive to live for oneself while also living for others.  Is living for others the goal?  Feel good by helping others feel good?
I've been thinking about creating a YouTube channel called "Cool Christians".  It would be short videos on how being a Christian doesn't have to mean what people think it means.  Be a modern Jesus.  I'll probably mash it up with "Drunk Kitchen"...Drunk Christians... .com
I'm going to go chew on my thoughts. 
Someone crack the whip on me making some ceramic pots. 
Also...just heard a clip from the primaries and this guy (I just heard it, I wasn't watching) said something about keeping Texas conservative.  BLECH!  That sounds disgusting.  I might have to move and take my kiln shed with me.  I don't know much about politics, but I have a feeling conservativeness is the kind of living that's done inside of a box.   

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