Monday, May 26, 2014

Tag Awareness Day

      I tend to tag my posts, so today I will honor the largest tags:  Gardening and Camp Chrysalis.  We're ignoring the fact that I probably mentioned my break up about as much as I mentioned camp because it's now about pressing onward!  "Pressin' on!  My distress is going, going, gone!  Pressin' on, pressin' go back to where I was would just be wrong!!! I'm pressin' on."Relient K (click here for YouTube video)

      Right now it is raining outside so our garden is getting watered for FREE! Some say that nothing is truly for free...but the weather is, right?!  A Doe came around and ate up our cantaloupe and cucumbers down to the root and chomped down the leaves to the squash and zucchini.  She also managed to trim up the tomatoes a bit, the pieces that were sticking out of the cage.  Needless to say, we plan on finding a way to put a fence around it all...though right now my dad fashioned some temporary ones.  I wonder if we'll replant some things... if it's not too late. 
      Why aren't our roses blooming anymore?!  They did so well for so long and after their last pruning they pooped out on us.  Our hibiscus are blooming now in their place though.  We need to plant more fragrant flowers so that the bees and butterflies hang out at our place!  Slackers.

       Staff training for camp has begun.  I think it rained around this same time last year too.  The owner of Beeswax Co. asked me if I was working this summer at I'm thinking he doesn't realize that if I worked at camp I wouldn't work for them.  Peace out, I'll be at camp!  Just kidding...  I am going to Ebert Ranch Camp with the middle school youth as a sponsor.  That's exciting because I've been to Ebert except I didn't get to live the camp life there, it was just for staff training.  I'll get my own horse!!!  Woohoo!
     There are a handful of returning staff so I hope to go up there one of these weekends to visit my favorites!  There have also been quite a few changes made to how the camp is run and also aesthetics.  I want to know everything!!!

      On this Memorial Day Holiday I have thrown some pots including a medium planter for my friend Marta's graduation present.  I  also made a wobbly and a not wobbly ring holder.  Meow meow meow. brain is ever changing...

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