Apparently one should sit up straight and with their feet flat on the floor to achieve a healthy posture and avoid stressing the muscles in our necks and angering our hips... Alas, I sit "Indian Style". The other day I actually used the saying, "Crisscross-applesauce", which only makes sense on account that is indeed what people are saying these days and I fear (over-dramatization) no child will understand such a pose as "Indian Style."
Have you ever experienced only knowing someone through technology? I am having a fit over Tanya. She once ignored an email I sent and so I was annoyed, and today she called me asking me to call her back yet having left her place of work. How space cadet can you be to not say when I may call you back, especially if you plan on leaving 20 minutes after making the call. Tanya! I'm not impressed. Let me reiterate that she ignored a reply to the only email she ever sent to me asking me for important documentation. Face palm.
Some days I'm not impressed with myself, but that's mainly when people ask me if I can make huge ass flower pots...wait, I'm totally over that. Making a huge ass flower pot has nothing on being able to make a ton of tiny flower pots (that's a lie because it obviously means that you're a very strong person if you can throw over 4 lbs of clay). I'm so relaxed with myself these days, it's beautiful. I don't ever disappoint myself, I don't ever freak out over wasted material (unless it's bubble wrap), and I don't like not having enough money to build my tiny house faster...wait...
Hold on...That sounds a lot like me not being cool with myself!
And now, a list of cons of working for yourself and being new at it.
1. I have no idea how to balance income with my spending.
2. I don't get paid by the hour and I work almost every day of the week.
3. If I don't feel like it, it doesn't get done.
4. It's hard to keep money in the bank since it's hard to have a business without spending money.
5. With that money not in the bank it makes it hard to make dreams come true in a dreamy amount of time.
6. Mom wants money for my firing of pots apparently...she doesn't understand that she can have free pot anytime all the time...as long as I have clay. I fear she resents me being born. (hahaha!)
7. I feel lazy since I sit on my butt all day because I have no real dedication to exercising.
I cannot stand the idea of cats getting hurt or in fights. I say that because I threw myself from this chair unaware of what caused my cat to howl the most disgusted howl a cat could make and it ended up being over a stray that was sitting on the front porch. Dumb! I got so flustered! Growing up having so many cats, we've probably had over twenty cats by now, and even witnessing them being born, I must say that a cat's attitude is fine by me BECAUSE THEY'RE ALL DIFFERENT. Never again will I just go along with a cat hater's opinion or positively reinforce their ideas...even if I have to lie! A cat's attitude though is a set up for having another part of me that has to work on not thinking about things too much when a cat dies or goes missing because I can't let sadness rule me. + I saw them when they were born and it was beautiful, but it's a shame that they're gone. + I tried to save your life but no one else did and now you're gone-gone. + You fought with...oh my gosh, I'll stop. This is awful how things come swarming back into my brain yet I must essentially ignore even the possibility of being sad. They're smart but then they're not smart, ya know?!
On a semi-lighter note...
The names of most of our cats over time: Mischief, Midnight, Matilda, Max, Spunky, Midnight [again], Sadie, Molly, Peaches, Sweet Pea, Boots, Bite Me, Buster, Whiskers, Boo, April, Momma Kitty, Pretty Kitty, Thomas J, Tom, Dusty, Puff, Wayne, Sylvester
I'm so sleepy! Just waiting 30ish more minutes to turn up the kiln so that I can have a giant pot to look at. Oh my goodness I'm totally pumped, yet also not actually totally pumped since anything could happen and I don't want to get my hopes up. As I was walking it to the kiln I had a vision of it breaking and me firing broken pieces so that I could later glue it together. Or maybe I would have a gold smith or whatever piece them together with gold.
Con about not living where you work...feeling like a bum when you take a nap on your parents couch and not being able to be ready for bed right when the kiln is set to high. Ok, now it's actually a 30 minute wait...I'll kill it with Netflix.
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