Sunday, September 30, 2012

Happy goose pimples!

Now, normally I call them goose bumps but for some reason, since hearing goose pimples, I haven't been able to get pimples out of my head!  Do geese really go through puberty or are they just stressed??? this plant keen to neutral soil? (insert laughter here)
This is a picture of Swiss chard.  I once painted a picture of it.  Click here to see it on my creation blog!  I bring Swiss chard up because it was a good joke to open up the fact that I love setting the table with fresh picked flowers.  We had my brother and sister-in-law over for lunch today and I thought it would be impossible to find any...but silly me forgot about the pretty flowers popping up in the garden.  I found some kind of pink flowering sage, Turks cap, and an orange bell flower (no idea what it's called.  I stuffed those into a bud vase and then in a large vase simply put a trimming from the bush outside of my front door and TADA! table decor.  I have taken a piece of bush before and it lasted forever in that little bud vase.  I found a nice idea for table settings I'd like to do for Thanksgiving...however I have no idea what we're doing for Thanksgiving.  Flowers!!! Yea!!!

I have been thinking about writing a book for a long time.  I just love how the pages of a book look.  BOOK LOOK.  bookalooka.  I have an idea but it's been stuck for so long that I have no idea how to start...but really it's how to finish and how to keep going in between.  I wonder how J.K. Rowling did it with Harry Potter.  I actually referred to HP today at church when the kid behind me had shown me his drawing of his two-headed alien or something.  Then he added another head and I told him that he should call it fluffy.  He's six, and I'm not sure he got it.  I'm not sure his parents go it either.  I have written a few short stories.  I'm not sure how good they are, but I had a goal to write one every weekend until I filled up the book- but that goal went flat.  I guess the only thing I've been inspired to do lately is post things that make me feel good.  Sometimes I feel like I should take on another 5 hours of work so that I can feel useful for another day instead of just feeling like I could be doing something better than reading HP.  Impossible!!! (That's what I imagine my friend Daniel saying if I were to say that in front of him.)

Yesterday (Saturday: 9/29/12), my parents and I enjoyed a 5K in the rain.  I had a rain jacket, yes...but wearing that while trying to get through the first mile was proven a sticky (sweaty) situation.  I'm lying because I took it off before I even started to run.  Pops and I stayed together the whole time and at first it was easy to run for a while and then rest with a brisk walk then start to run again, but into that 3rd mile I thought I was going to lose my legs.  Not really.  I just didn't want to run any more.  When we got to the end we were hiding around a corner walking and as soon as we rounded it we finished with a tricky of us.  I was hungry the rest of the day and when I woke up this morning I was horribly sore.  OUCH!  My mom on the other hand walked with a group of about 5 ladies from the church.  When I saw my mom with her damp do (hair...because I don't know if that's how you spell do when referring to hair) I was actually allowed to touch it AMAZING! and proceed to turning it into a faux-hawk.  Yes I took a picture...but I only shared it with my brother.

My neighbors, Don and his little girl Josephine, just dropped by to have a chat- they must have passed my parents while enjoy the weather with a stroll.  I showed her the bird feeder and we put seed in it, then we took a ride on the porch swing, following that she invited herself into our house and gave April the cat too many treats and tried to play with Boo the cat making sure to say "Hi Boo" every now and then. Also, she learnt that April doesn't like tape on her.  Then we were summoned back outside and she tried to staple a pretty plant with a water hose nozzle which was ineffective of course.  She has no recall...that's for sure.  The world of wonders has become just that!

I have a friend with a birthday coming up.  I doubt I've ever given her anything for her birthday because I guess it was never a big deal to have grown-up birthday for me I have had one every year and plan to keep it up.  It's not about the's about planning and eating and friends!  I guess this isn't about birthday presents (yes it is)...but it is about Christmas presents.  Last year for 3 of my close friends I bought random things and then wrapped them up with a clue to be read on the outside as to what it was.  They picked and what was revealed was a journal, an herb filled postcard, and dry-erase board paint.  This year I want to make everything or at least if I buy it it has to be exactly what I was looking for.  I have some ideas already, but of course I can't put them out here for my secrets to be spilt.  Really, there's nothing worse for me than being stumped on gift giving.  All I have now for my friends birthday is a hand-made card...maybe she needs a trip to...oh! I wont say!  

Das es mom says that.

Friday, September 28, 2012

Damn, we've had a lot of cats!

This is Molly. She is a he, however we've know him so long as a her that Molly will just be referred to as "she" and "her."  Yes...that is a dingle berry behind her hind leg.  It's normal.
I've been keeping a note card close by so that whenever good things pop up I write them down so that I might be able to use them in one of my posts.  Since I have nothing else to do right night but go to the bathroom I think I'll hold it a while to tell you what I've written down and why.
What makes me feel good: On a note card
When people are walking past me to the beat of my music.
The song Joy Ride by The Killers was playing when I saw the future love of my life strut by my dorm room window.  It was the best room for creeping on people and texting them right when I see them taking the short cut through the grass past the chapel.  "I see you!" I probably should have said that I was in my room.  Whatever, it's funny watching them look around like "what?"
Royalty: Clothing Optional
I love all the publicity over royalty and their lack of clothing.  I don't give a flying rats ass if someone wants to be free from cotton/rayon/spandex, you name it.  Let them strip and quit making their bodies even more exposed to the world because I'm sure once it hit the news the people hit google, safe search OFF.
"Look, it's Hagred!"
This little girl at the farmers market in Falls Church while I was visiting my Great Aunt and Uncle said this after spotting my Great Uncle.  Sheesh that made me laugh!  I was the only one of us 3 that heard it or knew who she was pointing out.  Personally I think he looks more like Vernon Dursley, but I still love that little girl for making my day.  I still don't know if he knew who Hagred was.
Damn, we've had a lot of cats!
I found my construction paper ode to the cats we've had.  I will proceed to describe it as I have done so on this paper.
1. Mathilda- Black, Orange, White, Brown, Gray :( Old age
2. Stripe- Orange and White Stripes :(
3. Thomas- Gray Tabby :(
4. Mischief- Gray and White :(
5. Spunky- Light Orange :( Amdroe
6. Midnight (#1)- Black :(
7. Buster- Black :( Car
8. Sweetpea- Gray and White :( Car
9. Max- Gray :( Dog
10. Mightnight (#2)- Black with Reddish chest :( Garage door
11. Whiskers- White and Gray Stripes :( Old
12. Shelly- Turtle Shell :( Car
13. Sadie- Turtle Shell :( Kidneys
14. Molly- Orange and White :)
15. Dusty- Dusty Black ???
16. Boots- Gray and White :( Car
17. Peaches- Orange and White :)
18. Cookie- Black and White :( Went blind
19. Taco- Black and White (visitor) ?
20. Shmeagle- Black and White (visitor)  :)
21. Sir Knight (Black)- I believe we took him to the shelter b/c he was mean
22. Moostache- Gray with white mustache (visitor) ?
23. Boo- Turtle Shell :)
24. Ron aka Bite Me- Orange and White :( Was put out because he was acting very strange
25. April- Gray Tabby (My cat specifically) :)
Well, now that I have sufficiently depressed you.
That is all!

Guess what I got in the mail?

Yup, that's right!  I got my travel guide for Texas!  This isn't exciting if you already know about all that Texas has to offer.  Yes, it's true I've lived in Texas my whole life- it's not like I've traveled the state my whole life though.

I have gotten around when it comes to traveling with the Granny Pat-sters and some what with the family, and then some with church outings.  Let me try to remember them all:

Ohio- I don't remember much
Michigan- Aunt and Uncle lived there
Virginia- Aunt and Uncle lived there/ Great Aunt and Uncle live there/ Went to the art League
Colorado- Uncle's family has a cabin there (went once as a kid)/ went snowboarding with a friend
Louisiana- Work Camp
Utah- Work Camp
Kansas- Work Camp
New Mexico- Work Camp
California- Matt's Marine Corp graduation/Aunt and Uncle live there now.
New York- Trip with Great Aunt and Uncle
North Carolina- Matt was based there his last year.
...can't think of anymore right now...I don't really count drive throughs.

Places in Texas:
Rock Port- the beach duh!
Corpus Christi- the beach...and Heather went to school there for a bit.
Port Aransas- the beach, come on!
Lockhart- Mom works there occasionally and our friends live there
Seguin- went to school there
Houston- some family lives there
Arlington/Dallas/Fortworth- baseball/ my good friend Breana lives there.
New Braunfles/Gruene- Good place to go when Seguin got boring
San Antonio-band trips/ELCA youth gathering/THE ALAMO!!!
Bryan/College Station- Family lives there/a boyfriend lived there
Kerrville- Camp! as a camper and an awesome Arts & Crafts leader!
Fredericksburg- Lutheran Fall Festival
Castroville- Boyfriend lives there
Round Rock- Express! Ikea...duh.
Buda- YMCA that's the one I go to

That's all I can think of...I'm not going to count weddings though I almost did.  It's not like we're actually experiencing what the place has to offer.

Even if I can type up a lot of places, it still feels like I'm stuck in a rut.  A rut of lacking moola to travel and a lack of knowledge of where to go!  Where do I go?

+No work this weekend
+My Halloween cards are ready to be mailed out and the post office says they wont have Halloween stamps. Lame.  Then her and my mom talked about how sending mail was a thing of the past and I WAS HURT!  When I got out the door I said, "How dare she say that!" and a man looked at me strange.
+I just got some paper to make my Thanksgiving cards!!! Whoop Whoop!
+I don't plan on working in my studio until...I feel like it.

I guess I'll get back to picking up my room...I just put away a pile of stuff and I have about 4 more to go.  Wish me luck!

(I like to use the "enter" key a lot when typing...and I've been doing the e-mails at work for 2 days now and Heather was helping me with what to respond with and I kept hitting return and she kept telling me sad)  That is all!

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Newts in a glass!

Here's me the night of walking the graduatory stage!

Here's Matt the day of celebrating his graduation.  He didn't want to walk so I made him wear my robe and hat for a bit.  I even sang the song while he stomped around the house.

On other topics:
  1. I have never heard of Port Arthur alas I have been sent a whole travel packet with information about the place.  They have something called Pleasure Island and that totally shouts CSI show to be.  Maybe I'll stick to a vacation spot I know like Rock Port.
  2. My mom's cat, Boo, finds the strangest places to call comfortable.  She likes to nap behind the computer under the upper level of the desk; on top of stacks of paper (right now she's on top of some scrap booking materials); and sometimes she'll be half on the couch and half on the wicker storage thing she's allowed to rip to shreds with her claws.
  3. Acorns are in full fall.  Not yet has one his me in the head but there is still time.
  4. Another fact on Boo the cat: she likes to jump.  She jumps up to the top of the entertainment center and she makes a horrific rattle while jumping to the top of the china cabinet.  I'm surprised nothing has been destroyed.
  5. I'm loving my job!  I got to meet the newest gal who's still in training.  I was doing my best to act myself and not get a power high.  Hopefully I helped her answer any questions she had.  I didn't want to just make her do everything since I came there to work too so I did some of the most unpleasant parts of the night taking out the poop trash and cleaning the loft.  She'll get her chance to have fun with that stuff.  I made sure to ask that she's given meds before so I wasn't taking anything away from her new experience by doing it myself.
  6. Finally, it sounded like an air raid was about to go down but it makes me feel good that it didn't.  It looks so pretty outside right now.  However, I really want to get some more painting done in my closet.
That is all.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

My list of a handful of things that...

make me feel good!
+ Planting things and watching them grow...even if I'm pretty bad at remembering to water them.  This is a pineapple plant grown by slicing of the spikes off a pineapple, sticking it in water to root, then planting it in a pot, then watching it grow! Apparently a pineapple is eventually supposed to come out of the center, and I can't wait!
+ Awesome weather: anything 90 and below with a nice breeze and hardly any humidity.
+ "Renovating" which describes everything I've done to my room since I've graduated from college:  Painting practically everything brown either blue, red, or yellow; creating shelves for my junk; ripping up the carpet in my room; buying a chevron rug; now I am painting the inside of my closet with a chevron pattern; lastly I will be helping my dad put in the flooring we get...we'll see how long that takes.
+ When my boyfriend takes time to send me e-mails or letters.
+The color green...and red, blue, yellow, orange, purple, black/white...and everything in between.
+ Mushaboom by Feist
+ Getting things in the mail (not credit card applications though) and sending things to my friends!
+ When my cat isn't acting like a teenager and will sit with me or will be looking out of the window in my room while I read.
+ Making pottery! I need to go back to McQueeny on a day I'm off to play around on the wheel.
+ Moving my feet! Whether it's walking or just keeping busy.  If being busy wasn't so expensive I'd do it more often!
+ Magazines! Brandt got me a subscription to HGTVmagazine and those are fun to look through.  Once I spent $7 on an organizational magazine and it got me motivated but I didn't really do anything from the magazine...I just went my own way.  I'll use it for when I have a reason to buy organizational supplies, otherwise I'm just gonna use what I have.
+ Finding things I remember from childhood like little toys or key chains...too bad these days are about getting rid of stuff so it's up to your memory to bring things back.
+ Being around people that I know enjoy my company.  I'm a very paranoid person when it comes to wondering if someone appreciates my presence. 
+ Getting through to someone.
+ YouTube marathons...
+ Pandora Radio!!!
+ Doing things on a whim/last minute and enjoying the decision I made.  The other day my neighbor ran into me on the road while we were both walking and she invited me into her house to meet her friend's dog Blackie/Blacky...idk, but she's a lovely doggy!
+ Egg on toast.
For now, that is all!

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

I majored in art...

but now I'm walking dogs? 

That's always my quick explanation of what I'm doing since I graduated.  But the truth is, this book helped me realize that it wasn't just art that I wanted to pursue and working with animals was going to be a wonderful thing to calm my mind when all I had on my plate was getting ready for an art show.

It is true that I am working on getting an art show together.  I have a "dead-line" for October 20th but I've lost inspiration and it sucks.  The other day I spat into the sink while brushing my teeth and the coolest shape was formed...however, my sketch was 10x more exciting than the drawing I made because of the sketch.  It's like the inspiration died when I tried to make it over and over again.  It needed to be original.  AND THAT'S WHY I NEED ANOTHER MINI SKETCHBOOK!

About this friend Jill lent it too me at my graduation party.  I didn't really read it because she said that it has some neat exercises in it that I might enjoy.  I did!  I enjoyed flip-flip-flipping through the pages until I came across another exploratory exercise where I wrote all over a piece of blank paper which then turned into a collage of everything I have ever thought about doing.  It was crazy to figure out that, ya know, I'm doing exactly what I want.

Well, not exactly.  At the time I wasn't employed by Crackerdog, the canine boarding and daycare facility I work at now, but I was certainly prepared to after working with the dogs at the Guadalupe County Humane Society while I was still at school in Seguin.  I may have adopted a cat after I had left, but that goes to show that I wasn't going to be able to give a dog the attention it needed.  I love April...don't get me wrong...but she makes me sneeze! 

The book got me really pumped about getting my art studio up and running and also having that "third thing" to keep me sane.  You see, one of my favorite art professors ( I basically loved them all, but for different reasons) was teaching our Senior Seminar class preparing us for graduation and helping us get our first art show up and was giving us the low-down on how to survive: Don't use glitter and have a third thing.  He always hatted it when one of the art majors used glitter in everything...she'd use it in one room and it'd end up in another!  His third thing, to help you understand, is biking.  He has a family, an art studio, he is a professor, and he loves biking!  Now what am I? I have a love of my life, an art studio, and a job working with dogs!  I'd say I'm on the right track.

Another one of the exercises in the book was to make goals and then prioritize them by recognizing which ones are the most possible and ones that you really want to invest time into.  So, of course I put down having an art show to part-way benefit a good cause but then I also put down owning our own (Heather and me) humane society/daycare/boarding facility.  Half of it seems non-profit while the other half brings in profit.  Confusing?  Yup, but that is a long-long-long term goal. 

After revising and revising I finished up my list and made it all pretty using colorful paper and I took it to my studio...and that's why I can't tell you exactly what's on there because I don't remember.  Lame, but overall I'm happy where I am, even if I'm stumped in the art world.  It's okay, remember? because I have that third thing to take up my time that isn't spent staring at the ceiling of the teal carpeted studio trying to push something into my brain that's not going to come yet. 

Now, I encourage everyone out there who just graduated or who is still stuck in a rut to either pick up this book to dig down deep and find your dreams/goals and organize them!  Or just think of ways to organize them yourself.  No need to buy/borrow a book when it's already turning the gears in your head.  The book started to get redundant when I had already gotten everything organized so I just closed it, took a deep breath, and got serious.

Be serious, don't settle for less, do what you can handle, eat Pringles AND FEEL GOOD!

That is all!

Sunday, September 23, 2012

When I can't get those negative voices out of my head...

...I start to think about the things that I enjoy hearing, reading, and seeing.

You see, I have been working on a commission 3-pc art piece for a church friend who apparently is really hard to please.  I keep showing her the "end product" and she never once has said how much she likes it.  The first thing that comes out of her mouth is the flaw she sees.  You can tell that I might be down in the dumps over this...because that's exactly what I am.  Here's my definition of the "end product":
Just get art looks nothing like this.  I enjoy using markers and pens to draw shapes and lines then add color.  The idea of having to draw states in the first place was irking enough, but the thought of adding a dolphin almost killed we compromised with a shell.  She wanted it by the end of August and it would have been on time you see if she wasn't so displeased.  One last venting fact is that this woman does not use a computer and has no idea how to in the first place so the only way she communicates with me is when I come to her during church to get put down. 
You're still wondering what I do to make myself happy, I understand.  Well after such negative criticism I do this:

In other words, I destroy my closet.  Would you like the directions on how you put a chevron pattern on your walls?  Duh! you do! (Though this is probably a more difficult way) Take a piece of card stock and measure 8.5 inches down the 11 inch side.  Mark it!  Now mark the half-way point of 4.25 inches on both sides. Take a ruler and draw the lines from the left middle mark to the top right corner, and then the bottom left corner to the right middle mark.  Cut on the marks!  There's your template.  Now trace it on your walls starting in the corner of your room then flip it over to do the other direction.  Go go go! Then paint it all in.

I of course didn't get very far since I started thinking about writing about it.  Therefore, I stopped to take a picture and now here I am!

Doing this didn't really make me feel any better since doing such a mindless task really makes me think too much about those negative things.  However, towards the end I started to think about how cool it would be to get into the HGTV magazine again (I got into the September issue).  I could tell them how sad I am about not having a tall bookcase to wallpaper so instead I used my closet to add my favorite pattern to.  Really, chevron, ever since I saw a woman on HGTV Design Star use it in her design, I fell in love.  In love!!!

My next daunting task, after finishing a wonderfully colorful quilt for my room, is to somehow create a quilt with that same chevron pattern.  I would hope to give it to my soon to be born nephew...that being if I don't steal it from under his baby bottom! Planning to make it large, it can be used forever and ever.  It's my dream to see it in his dorm room one day!  I guess I just have to make it now...because DREAMS CAN COME TRUE!  But that doesn't mean your commissioned work is going to be just how you ordered are working with an artist.

That is all.