Sunday, September 23, 2012

When I can't get those negative voices out of my head...

...I start to think about the things that I enjoy hearing, reading, and seeing.

You see, I have been working on a commission 3-pc art piece for a church friend who apparently is really hard to please.  I keep showing her the "end product" and she never once has said how much she likes it.  The first thing that comes out of her mouth is the flaw she sees.  You can tell that I might be down in the dumps over this...because that's exactly what I am.  Here's my definition of the "end product":
Just get art looks nothing like this.  I enjoy using markers and pens to draw shapes and lines then add color.  The idea of having to draw states in the first place was irking enough, but the thought of adding a dolphin almost killed we compromised with a shell.  She wanted it by the end of August and it would have been on time you see if she wasn't so displeased.  One last venting fact is that this woman does not use a computer and has no idea how to in the first place so the only way she communicates with me is when I come to her during church to get put down. 
You're still wondering what I do to make myself happy, I understand.  Well after such negative criticism I do this:

In other words, I destroy my closet.  Would you like the directions on how you put a chevron pattern on your walls?  Duh! you do! (Though this is probably a more difficult way) Take a piece of card stock and measure 8.5 inches down the 11 inch side.  Mark it!  Now mark the half-way point of 4.25 inches on both sides. Take a ruler and draw the lines from the left middle mark to the top right corner, and then the bottom left corner to the right middle mark.  Cut on the marks!  There's your template.  Now trace it on your walls starting in the corner of your room then flip it over to do the other direction.  Go go go! Then paint it all in.

I of course didn't get very far since I started thinking about writing about it.  Therefore, I stopped to take a picture and now here I am!

Doing this didn't really make me feel any better since doing such a mindless task really makes me think too much about those negative things.  However, towards the end I started to think about how cool it would be to get into the HGTV magazine again (I got into the September issue).  I could tell them how sad I am about not having a tall bookcase to wallpaper so instead I used my closet to add my favorite pattern to.  Really, chevron, ever since I saw a woman on HGTV Design Star use it in her design, I fell in love.  In love!!!

My next daunting task, after finishing a wonderfully colorful quilt for my room, is to somehow create a quilt with that same chevron pattern.  I would hope to give it to my soon to be born nephew...that being if I don't steal it from under his baby bottom! Planning to make it large, it can be used forever and ever.  It's my dream to see it in his dorm room one day!  I guess I just have to make it now...because DREAMS CAN COME TRUE!  But that doesn't mean your commissioned work is going to be just how you ordered are working with an artist.

That is all.

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