this plant keen to neutral soil? (insert laughter here) |
I have been thinking about writing a book for a long time. I just love how the pages of a book look. BOOK LOOK. bookalooka. I have an idea but it's been stuck for so long that I have no idea how to start...but really it's how to finish and how to keep going in between. I wonder how J.K. Rowling did it with Harry Potter. I actually referred to HP today at church when the kid behind me had shown me his drawing of his two-headed alien or something. Then he added another head and I told him that he should call it fluffy. He's six, and I'm not sure he got it. I'm not sure his parents go it either. I have written a few short stories. I'm not sure how good they are, but I had a goal to write one every weekend until I filled up the book- but that goal went flat. I guess the only thing I've been inspired to do lately is post things that make me feel good. Sometimes I feel like I should take on another 5 hours of work so that I can feel useful for another day instead of just feeling like I could be doing something better than reading HP. Impossible!!! (That's what I imagine my friend Daniel saying if I were to say that in front of him.)
Yesterday (Saturday: 9/29/12), my parents and I enjoyed a 5K in the rain. I had a rain jacket, yes...but wearing that while trying to get through the first mile was proven a sticky (sweaty) situation. I'm lying because I took it off before I even started to run. Pops and I stayed together the whole time and at first it was easy to run for a while and then rest with a brisk walk then start to run again, but into that 3rd mile I thought I was going to lose my legs. Not really. I just didn't want to run any more. When we got to the end we were hiding around a corner walking and as soon as we rounded it we finished with a tricky of us. I was hungry the rest of the day and when I woke up this morning I was horribly sore. OUCH! My mom on the other hand walked with a group of about 5 ladies from the church. When I saw my mom with her damp do (hair...because I don't know if that's how you spell do when referring to hair) I was actually allowed to touch it AMAZING! and proceed to turning it into a faux-hawk. Yes I took a picture...but I only shared it with my brother.
My neighbors, Don and his little girl Josephine, just dropped by to have a chat- they must have passed my parents while enjoy the weather with a stroll. I showed her the bird feeder and we put seed in it, then we took a ride on the porch swing, following that she invited herself into our house and gave April the cat too many treats and tried to play with Boo the cat making sure to say "Hi Boo" every now and then. Also, she learnt that April doesn't like tape on her. Then we were summoned back outside and she tried to staple a pretty plant with a water hose nozzle which was ineffective of course. She has no recall...that's for sure. The world of wonders has become just that!
I have a friend with a birthday coming up. I doubt I've ever given her anything for her birthday because I guess it was never a big deal to have grown-up birthday for me I have had one every year and plan to keep it up. It's not about the's about planning and eating and friends! I guess this isn't about birthday presents (yes it is)...but it is about Christmas presents. Last year for 3 of my close friends I bought random things and then wrapped them up with a clue to be read on the outside as to what it was. They picked and what was revealed was a journal, an herb filled postcard, and dry-erase board paint. This year I want to make everything or at least if I buy it it has to be exactly what I was looking for. I have some ideas already, but of course I can't put them out here for my secrets to be spilt. Really, there's nothing worse for me than being stumped on gift giving. All I have now for my friends birthday is a hand-made card...maybe she needs a trip to...oh! I wont say!
Das es mom says that.
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