Saturday, October 13, 2012

Short juice sweet.

It's mushroom season!  There are so many kinds too!
      Well, I'm off my meds.  I'm not going to tell you what kind of meds though because that takes away all the fun of you perhaps thinking I might snap any moment.  So if you don't send me a donut through e-mail I might have to put you on my list.  My list of non-givers.

      I have no idea how people train seems impossible.  I can't get my cat to just walk on the leash...she has to run then wait for something else to pop up to chase.  Run STOP Run STOP Run STOP!  I did possibly train her to not eat Nerds...She ate the first one with some difficulty, but then I tried to give her another one and she actually licked all the color off and got to the tangy part and WAAAAH!  She didn't like it.

      Do you ever just crave juice?  I crave Apple Juice when I'm dehydrated.  Once Brandt and I were coming back from a hike and I got him to stop by the convenient store to get a bottle.  Too bad it would be cheaper to just get the huge bottle from HEB than to spend $1.50 on something you could have 10 of.  We got Juicy Juice for free with the meal deal these past couple of weeks and I was really wanting that tart taste of grape juice.  Don't go for Juicy Juice if that's what you're looking for though...the first ingredient is Apple Juice.  Yeah I'm a huge fan, but the doctor ordered grape, k?  (The doctor being me- highly qualified folks).

      The cat obstacle coarse has started...or maybe it ends on top of the china cabinet.  Who knows really?  Boo is a psycho cat.

      What about all of this makes me feel good?  To clarify...I feel better already not taking those darn drugs.  They all have scary side effects anyways....  It made me laugh to see the cat spit out that nerd.... There's a bottle of Apple Juice with my name on it in the fridge.... That highly active cat makes me laugh, but I'm sure glad April doesn't try and do what she does around the house.  April sticks to running back and forth from the rug in my room to my mom's bed. 

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