Wednesday, October 17, 2012


Not on the topic of undecidedness...but wouldn't it be just the icing on the cake to live like you're in a movie for just one day?! You wake up and BOOM! Action Action Action! or Experience falling in love again!  Maybe see if you'd survive the Hunger Games?! Then you just wake up the next day back in your normal life.  Like a dream you have control of but you actually have to try! 
      What I don't like about dreams is when I'm trying to run, my feet in real life are stuck under the covers so I'm trying to run in my in my dream I'm trying to either show off or get away and I have to go as fast as my feet stuck under the covers can go.

I think it'd be really cool!

Undecided on who to vote for this up and coming election? Apparently a lot of people are.  Do I want to give my vote to Obama so he can have another for years to "finish" what he started or start what he's put through congress, or do I want to give my vote to Romney so we can see a new face up top and see if his plans work for the better?  Tough stuff.  All I know is that everyone makes mistakes and everyone at some point is going to make a decision that is going to create negative opinions towards them.  The Obama campaign talks about bringing the military system out of the places at war to let the natives of the land who were trained take charge.  Romney's plan is to keep them there.  I honestly don't know what's best.  I don't know what's best for anyone because just because someone says they're going to follow through, it doesn't mean that it will keep priority.  Like, is that 1,2,3 list on every topic actually going to be written down on the black board of to-dos?  I don't know, you don't know...maybe even out future 2012 president doesn't know.
      Why can't we just set up an all-American poll to vote for which answer we like best? Then we really get a say and the only people we have to be upset with is the majority.  Maybe the majority will always have the right answer. 


Through vs. Thru!  I knew that it wasn't proper!  I always want to just type thru but I never thought it was supposed to be a real spelling, just a shortcut.
      That's basically what it is, a proper shortcut!

All of my questions have been answered! (On the topic of Through vs. Thru that is).

What makes me feel good is when I don't see negative comments on people's YouTube posts.  I mean, sure sometimes I have the same negative opinions, but I'm not going to post it so all of their friends can see.  Sometimes it's just constructive criticism but still, if they wanted that they would be taking lessons...which not many YouTube "stars" care to do.  Obviously.
     I've thought about starting a channel for singing on YouTube but I don't play a solo kind of instrument and you can't sing while playing the recorder...haha!

Be nice on the internet!

My ART&WATER campaign now has $40.25 in it!  Not much compared to the $1000 goal.  It takes $5000 I believe to build a well. 
      Wish me luck on getting my art show up and running by the 17th of November!

Oh it's gonna be some work!

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