Recognize that history books are revised, especially when something important to our future happens. When the twin towers fell, eventually that event was placed into our history books. Think about if we took every change that has occurred since the first book of the bible and added to it and revised the laws to become more up to date and modern.
I only burn when I forget to take cover on a sunny day. I will not burn in hell for anything that I do, and neither will you. Nothing is certain unless you make it certain. Accepting and loving are two things that can change uncertainties...even if it's just a feeling, because even feelings mean that something is in existence.
Perhaps this summer in my off time I shall pick up the bible and revise it. Haha!
Monday, April 29, 2013
I think I put a lot of weight on my hair.
What I mean by the title is, that I count on my hair to make me look good. I don't wear that much make up and I haven't been wearing much jewelry lately either. If my hair isn't looking good that day then I am constantly fussing with it. I just don't feel confident without my hair lookin' good, is all. Having said this, below are my before and after pictures from dying my hair.
Above is after a few months of fade after using Garnier's light brown. Right after I rinse it out it looks super dark brown. Weird right? I don't think I would recommend that product since it comes out so dark and seems to fade out relatively quickly. Below is the picture of the box. So my hair probably only matched that color for a week or so. Another con is that the smell is very piercing to the eyes and nose! Ouch!
Above is the color I just used on my hair last night. It felt like pins and needles all over my scalp when I had it on and the smell was also quite piercing to the eyes and nose. Mas ventilation needed! I guess we'll see how long this lasts. I just know I like how I look with brown hair because it matches my eyebrows! Below is the final product. I have many coupons for different brands of dye so perhaps I'll stock up and have something to say about each one!
Now, it is raining. I just came in from watering my zinnia sprouts. Go figure. Oh well, it's not like I waisted the water since it was from our rain barrels. I hope to design a rain barrel system that takes any roof runoff and puts it into one closed off barrel (so no mosquitoes can procreate) and it then can be transferred onto a hose, spigot, or sprinkler system. I hear that if you have a well you can use grey water for a sprinkler system, but we do not have a well. I wish I could just figure out how to water the grass just using the water that comes from the shower and bathroom sink. We could use all green products and it would be safe for our lawn and other plants.
At noon I had another dentist appointment to get a filling done on my bottom left side. However, I mentioned that the ones they did last visit were bothering me so he chose to redo one instead. Needless to say, I will be returning Wednesday. Luckily it is very easy to get an appointment scheduled. I just hope he knows what he's doing. Haha! Oh geez, my confidence in others fails me sometimes. Today my confidence in my ability to go numb was way low when they ended up shooting my gum up with numbing stuff 3 times just for it to almost take it away completely. I just decided to suck it up since it wasn't all that painful after a smidgen of time waiting for it to kick in and as he was going along it finally all went away. Long story long, eh? So I sit her with a very numb right-side-of-my-face tongue and lower jaw.
And here is how Mr. Cucumber is doing lately.
Wednesday, April 24, 2013
A little this, a little that.
I came up with a few more ideas on Earth-wise actions:
-Keep a bowl in your kitchen sink and in your shower to catch some water as you work. You can then toss it outside onto your plants or grass for a greener green. My cousins were doing this at their house the last time we visited. So clever!
-Don't shower at all! Just wash your hair in the sink and when your skin starts to stink, then take a shower! My hair looks better dirty anyways! But I work with dogs so sometimes my skin smells like slobber a little too long. What's the point if I'm just gonna go back the next evening and stink it up again?
What is making me feel good these days is thinking about camp! I'm going to be Arts and Crafts hero at Camp Chrysalis in Kerrville, Texas this summer and I'm sooooo pumped! It's a pretty stressful job (believe it or not) and I think that's why it took me so long to go back since 2009. My goals for camp are simple:
-Put myself out there! Last time, I had friends but, when it came to the weekends I didn't have many options. It got better as it went along, but I think I could be someone who initiates some plans!
-Fall in love! With myself AND with everyone around me! Sure, it would be wonderful to find "the love of my life" at camp, but under the circumstances (do I really even know what I'm trying to say? No)...that's probably not going to happen. So I better stop thinking about it. Psh! Fat chance! Don't think about a brown bear! Ahahaha! See, it doesn't work.
-Make the most out of every moment! That's what's so awesome about kids. They each have their qwerks so each interaction is different. I think I'm more wise and in some cases more witty when responding and reacting to people these days. Perhaps it's a good thing I waited.
Look how well my cucumbers are doing! The squash we planted already have baby squash showing, so I hope these guys start blooming soon! Now I'm getting sad that I'll have to leave the garden when I leave for camp. I'm already sad about leaving my cat!
Some days I wish I had a box of crayola markers! I think I got rid of them thinking I was too mature for them. Stupid.
I thought I had more on my mind but I guess I just don't know how to get it out right now.
Fight for your right to crave!
Do you ever do something and a split second later think, "I shouldn't have done that."? I just did that after petting my cat then proceeding to touch my face. I'm basically allergic to the love of my life (more like her life). It's okay though because I'm baking late-night brownies! If I lived alone (I would first of all save a lot of money by inviting friends over to my place instead of always going out to hang) I would bake all the time and especially late-night. Sometimes it's not advised to use the electric hand mixer when your dad goes to sleep around 9 and wakes up around 4. He's a dedicated man.
And this is what I made this afternoon(On the left). Digorno, or however that boxed freezer pizza is spelt, is on the right. That's what my mom brought home after I told her that my personal attempt failed. It was going good, that pizza from scratch, it was. I just didn't care about adding more flour and then letting the dough chill for eight hours. I wanted pizza now, not later! Just to spare all the details and just so you know, 500 degrees will burn everything before it cooks anything. Silly directions! I wasn't following you anyways....
I made brownies from scratch yesterday. They were good and they even had an icing topping. Ooooh, I wonder how acceptable it is to put cream cheese in a cocoa based icing? That's the only thing that gets rid of that confectioners sugar/butter taste for me.
For the batter:
1/2 c butter
1 c white sugar
2 eggs
1 tsp vanilla extract
1/3 c unsweetened cocoa powder
1/2 c all-purpose flour
1/4 tsp salt
1/4 tsp baking powder
For the topping:
3 T softened butter (by the way, I always used unsalted)
3 T unsweetened cocoa powder
1 T honey
1 t vanilla extract
1 c confectioners sugar
+Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Grease and flour an 8 inch square pan. (I didn't flour nothin')
+In a large saucepan, melt 1/2 cup butter. Remove from heat, and stir in sugar, eggs, and 1 teaspoon vanilla. Beat in 1/3 cup cocoa, 1/2 cup flour, salt, and baking powder. Spread batter into prepared pan.
+Bake in preheated oven for 25 to 30 minutes. Do not overcook.
+To Make Frosting: Combine 3 tablespoons butter, 3 tablespoons cocoa, 1 tablespoon honey, 1 teaspoon vanilla, and 1 cup confectioners' sugar. (I just smooshed it all together with a spoon) Frost brownies while they are still warm. (It's not very spreadable though)
Now, the brownies I'm making tonight are...
1 box of milk chocolate brownie mix
make it as the box directs then add 1 c sour cream and 1 c of milk chocolate chips! Cook on 350 for 35 minutes! (I should probably check on them to make sure that's not too much). Ohhhh yeah, their still kinda soupy and jiggly in the middle.
This is how my friend Breana's mom makes them. Let's just say I had more than my fill of those things when I was visiting.
I think I'm going to write a separate post now about what's on my mind!
Friday, April 19, 2013
Earth Day Plans 4/22/2013
Here are some ideas that can be used all the time, not just on Earth Day!
Keep a trash bag in your car so that you can pick up trash when you see it as you're walking by. You may want to keep some hand sanitizer with you as well. If you're in a public area, most likely there will be a trashcan around for you to throw it in. Go the distance to keep your surroundings cleaner.
Conserve and reuse water. When taking a shower, time yourself so that you know just how long you're in there. The next time you hop in strive to make it a shorter time. If you can handle the chill, try turning off the water while you suds up. At the sink you wet your face and wash your face, proceed to brushing your teeth, then afterwards rinse your face followed by rinsing your mouth...or buy a natural toothpaste you don't have to rinse. At the toilet...LET THE YELLOW MELLOW! I do this all the time, so often however that sometimes I forget to flush after going #2...but I catch it quick enough! When doing dishes by hand you should soap up your sponge and scrub all of the dishes at once and then rinse them all at once so that you don't use extra water filling up the entire sink plus rinsing.
Drive less by staying in or car pooling. Plan all of your errands on one day and travel in a circle from one place to the next so that you minimize back-tracking.
Adopt an animal! Earth isn't just about the ozone, the ground and water, it's about prolonging the life within it! Go to a shelter and adopt someone on the euthanasia list. If you do not have the time to take care of an animal for a prolonged amount of time, foster an animal until you can find a better suited home.
Our house gets a ton of clothing magazines and even mail that is in my past grandma's name. Do this to your email accounts too, find a way to unsubscribe to all of the junk mail that comes your way. Hopefully there's a way to do this for credit card companies as well!!! Those are the worst!
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. Duh! Reduce the amount of waste you make and amenities that you use, from electricity to water. Reuse plastic bags as trash bags or bags to put clothes in to donate. Recycle as much waste as possible! If your town doesn't provide this for you, provide it for yourself. It wont take long to accumulate enough stuff to make it worth the trip to the dump. Up cycle too! Take things that look like trash and turn them into art!!!
Compost as many scraps as possible. Some acidic things are not good to be used in your garden as compost but you can still chunk them into a corner of your yard to decompose that way. Create a box out of wood or chicken wire and have it in a place not too far that you forget to use it. Research all kinds of awesome methods. Now days they make really cute sink-side canisters for you to dump scraps quickly so that you don't have to accumulate bugs or walk outside every time you cook something.
Buy local. Our local high school provided some of the plants we used in our garden. There is also a man that sells produce by the train tracks (we've never gone to him though).
Use a reusable bag as much as possible. Find a way to not bother with trash bags at all. Trash bags just become trash themselves, think about that.
Donate gently used furniture, clothing, appliances, etc. If you want the newest thing in fashion or in the techy world go for it, support those people, but don't get caught up in having when you have plenty to be giving.
Turn off lights, TVs, and fans when you're not in the room. Time your use of electronics that suck energy straight from the source. It's easy to get caught up in a marathon of some show you just discovered, but heading outside with a good book and bug spray is a good alternative.
I hope that I can follow through with these things my self. It seems silly to talk it up and then proceed without any changes. I will do my best to update y'all with any progress I make!
Thursday, April 18, 2013
Ok, but what's really going on?
Recently I've decided that whenever I start to feel mad about "Tod" I dig deeper into myself to find the real solution. Tod wouldn't give a rats ass to be my friend so why would I get upset over losing his friendship? This is just one example, and it works like this: I don't care that I'm not friends with Will or Jeremy, so why do I care that I'm not friends with Tod? Tod was a follower, anything they started to say or do he started to say or do. He was becoming more like them every semester. Why would I want a friend like him anyways? I have concluded that, I wouldn't.
In return I have decided to take all of my negative energy and force it into another direction, the direction of spending time with my true friends. Those friends are the ones that make me feel special and loved. I don't remember the last time those guys ever made me feel special and loved.
Over all, the one thing I regret is being truthful to myself. If I would've listened to my heart and the sadness of it I would've never gone back after the first time I broke up with Tod. I always tried to stick up for myself by saying, "If I didn't want you then I wouldn't keep you around," solely based off of my past relationships. That wasn't true at all though. The guy in high school made me feel bipolar towards him, where I cried in the car ride home every night praying to God for an answer. I never listened for an answer because in the end I was just fed up with his ability to dump me and then come to my front door and pretend nothing happened.
My goal is to be more careful. I want to hear everything my heart has to say. I also want to respect the feelings of the future guy/s (that is if I end up dating a few people before I find my life partner) since in the past I have been quick to lose interest and basically cut the cord. I have hated how Tod has cut the cord on me, so why would I want to make someone feel like I have felt? I wouldn't! I should strive to live completely on the words, "Treat others as you would like to be treated."
I pride myself in having awesome friends. Friends that I can intermingle from different groups of life's experiences (church, work, camp, school) and get a long and have a great time. Just the other night I invited a friend I met through Crackerdog to a Karaoke night with some camp folks. We had a blast just being goofy as heck.
I am really excited for camp this summer. I am most ready for all the love that will be shared. 2009 was the best summer of my life so I hope to one-up it with another round of Arts and Crafts Hero power.
Tuesday, April 16, 2013
Haircuts make me feel good!

My stylist, Christina, has become a really wonderful staple to my hair life. Going back to the same person each time has given me new confidence to saying my true opinions about how the haircut is going. It was about an hour and a half haircut. Some people may think that that is forever, but this girl has formed an art with her style of haircutting. You get your do washed, shampoo and conditioner (duh), then she parts it down the middle for symmetry. After applying a rough draft to your do she drys it completely and puts the fine details into each section of hair. A bit later and...vwala! Hair masterpiece.

I don't pride myself on taking good "selfies"...because I don't, so you get a corny picture of me showing you my No.1 do. What I really need to do is dye my hair black and see how fast the roots grow so that I can see how long it will take to get to each stage! Nah.
Now, if only I could find the inspiration to get back into the art studio. Harrumph!
Tuesday, April 9, 2013
Sometimes it's just too loud.
My mom loves to watch TV when she gets home from work. It starts with Dr. Phil and ends with Chicago Fire, though I guess it depends on what day it is. Don't get me wrong, I love my chick flick shows and I do enjoy catching the better shows with my mom...but sometimes I just want quiet. I turn the TV off in the kitchen so there's less commotion, but then when she walks into the kitchen she turns it back on so she doesn't miss a second. Do we depend too much on the lives we watch on-screen? Moving away to college was probably the best thing that helped me sever the ties I had to that world. If I miss a show or two now I don't worry about it. Now...some shows I worship like New Girl and The Mindy Project...and Glee to some extent, but come on- that's like pieces of me split up into 3 different shows! I gotta watch them right?! So, I primetime on demand that amazing trio. I watch them mostly when I'm home alone because I feel judged as a lazy boomba when I sit around for hours catching up on the latest episodes. The point of this is just to vent out how noisy it was yesterday evening. My head was boggled after finally getting a response, however forced, from "Todd". It's just ridiculous how my hate fuels my life right now. I wish I could either forget him or have something more important to cover him up. I need to show everyone, including myself, that I am strong. I can't let my emotions get the best of me. I say the wrong and most demeaning things sometimes just to make my point...but that point is basically pointless when that person could obviously care less about me in the first place. Who knew three and a half years of "loving" someone could turn me into someone that's treated less than a stranger. I feel like I'm being treated as an unfaithful person, as if I cheated on him. What makes me feel good through all of this are those little things that help me to calm down and forget about the way he makes me feel. Sometimes diving into the crazy lives of someone else on the TV screen is just what I need to unwind. That doesn't mean that those negative feelings stay gone for good though. Baby steps. I wish I was a bigger baby, that way my steps would make a bigger impact.
Pictured is how my cucumbers are coming along. I figured that since I posted a picture of those instead of the Nasturtium that I better update you on their progress. I can't wait to see them start making cucumbers! It's like a child's accomplishments in a way. What?! I don't know, I just thought about how happy I was to see the cucumbers sprout from the ground and then they grew out their leaves. Now they've got even more leaves and they're different shapes. I sure do hope they're yummy!
Sunday, April 7, 2013
A Game of "Love and Seek"
Love as I have loved you.
Treat others as you would like to be treated.
Seek and you shall find.
Live life to it's fullest.
Dance like no one is watching.
Sing as if no one were listening.
Make your own:
Listen as if you were the one with something to say.
Not enough people live by any of these lines. Some people would rather ignore someone than work things out. Other people would rather be shy than flamboyant. Many people wait for things to come to them instead of making the first steps themselves. What is wrong with the world? It takes YOU to make it better! It takes ME to recognize that I am a bigger to this place than I seem. Do not accept anything less than what you deserve, please.
On another note:
It annoys the bageezus out of me that my google account has stopped accepting emails from other senders! I tried to troubleshoot but all it tells me is to do this, now do that...oh, that didn't work? can't call us and ask for anymore help because you're not paying for this. Blah! I'm so mad! Some things make me want to stick my head in a bucket full of water...or shake people.
Thursday, April 4, 2013
Team work. Get some.
I heard North Korea wants to hit us with nukes. What a joke! I don't mean that I don't believe it or that it's funny...I mean, what is wrong with people? Who's down for "accio missile"? That's a spell that will call whatever you need or want to you. Wouldn't that be a sight to see flying through the air?! Racism is really bad there too. Apparently the leader denied South Korean access to a job sight where both North and South worked. However, even if we had witchcraft and wizardry there would still be people with power trips thinking that it's cool to be bad. It's not cool. Right now all I can do, as a civilian, is pray that God gives strength to the people in that North Korean military system that know this is wrong. It's not just in the movies a bully can be overthrown.
Jefferson Bethke is sort of a spokes person on having faith is Jesus. He has his own You Tube videos that I watched last night that really opened my eyes to how things could be when dealing with marriage. I wrote a journal entry around it that I would like to share with you. It helped me feel lighter hearing and understanding in my own way what it could all mean. (At the bottom of this post are the links to the videos).
- - -
April 3, 2013
If there was no such thing as "free will" we would never feel like doing absolutely nothing = sitting on the couch watching soaps and eating potato chips.
There is no such thing as "the one." Just choose for yourself and become a team. All you need is who works well with you - there are no "perfect" matches because if there was such a thing a perfection there would never be disagreements.
God didn't give us fingernails that grow so that we let them grow until they curl. God gave us a body that we would have to tend to. It's out of respect to's how God helps us to respect ourselves.
Everything, however, is up to you. No matter how lost you become to yourself and how hated you are by others, you are always in the sight of God and loved by God. It's your choice to acknowledge it, but why not choose it?
You will go down your own path and make your own decision - but who do you turn to, who do you give the things you don't want to handle to?
Marriage is just team work - you can build a team made of anyone.
- - -
My journal is just as sporadic as my blogs and my brain. Can you tell? After rereading it I always have the same question, but I don't ask anyone: Why not choose God? I put the following as my facebook status after watching an old episode of Grey's Anatomy, "If I didn't believe in something bigger than myself, that powerlessness would eat me alive." I believe that wholeheartedly and I can explain it most when I am in emotional pain. However, having connected my heart with this idea that there is no such thing as "the one" I have a minuscule amount of emotional pain left on the subject of heart break.
I think this idea would help someone who is having a hard time accepting faith into their hearts. I don't ever want to force it onto someone, I just want to understand the whats and whys of what helps their engines run.
Who you end up marrying can still be about crossing paths at just the right moment that you heart pollen bursts into the air (I was just thinking about this time my family was in Belgium and they told us that you could be walking right under the tree right when it releases it's pollen. So funny! Poof!). Your free will, however, is what keeps you from acting and your heart is what will decide...not some line of lovers. I mean think about it, if one person marries the wrong person and suffers for the rest of their lives in this "lie" then the whole lineage is wrong after them. Make sense? Jeff brought that up and I finally understood. OR IS THIS WHY SOME PEOPLE DIE ALONE???!!! I hope not.
Sometimes, all you really need to ask yourself is, "What would Jesus do?" If you don't want to believe in Jesus, go for for me, it's hard to forget him. Trust me, I recently tried. This Easter season had me thinking, "What's the point in Jesus? I can just believe in God and feel fulfilled." However, having someone so good and humble to look back on is the best thing one could have. If you don't want to have faith in Jesus, think about a person around you that you can put your faith into. Someone that you can rely on every minute of every day.
Who the hell determines whether someone is "clear" to wage nuclear war? It wasn't me!!! I have faith that this product (the thing that can blow up the missle in the air away from it's target) will work. I don't worry...because I have faith. If Melancholia decided to crush the earth, I would have faith that we could live again. (That's a movie...and it's kind of depressing...and the first 8 minutes is hard to watch SSLLLLOOOOWWWW MOOOOOTTTTIONNNNNN.)
Those are the links to the videos I watched and have responded to. Make your own opinion!!!
Wednesday, April 3, 2013
Would it be silly to do that?
Where do bugs go when it rains? I took this picture right before it started to pour and then it started to hail. I hope he was okay!!! If we're near the top of the hill...then everything on the ground washes down the hill! I'm worried! Either way, he's immortalized in this picture. Hurray for pictoral life!
Would it be silly to donate my eggs? Like, I'm not using them now and I would love to help someone out and I could always use the extra money for savings and loans. Perhaps I'll do a pros/cons list before I make any quick decissions. I, however, would like to adopt about 50 kids because we don't need to add anymore when there are soo many already on this earth that have no choice but to live an unpriveleged life. (I used "soo" like one would use "too", get it?) Ahhh! Then I shouldn't donate my eggs. Done, decission made. Ya know, because when you get it doctorally (fancy made-up word) done you end up with ocho-uplets. Then that's waaaay against my view. Babies are fine. 19 kids and counting just better keep all of them in line and they better be helpful! That goes for everyone!!! But what if one my eggs and someone elses sperm combined can cure cancer?! Dilema.
I made a quick decission on the cowgirl boots I got today. The price started with a one and they have flowers on them. Check, check, check! What's the third check for? Extra checks are always better than less! I also went to James Avery and exchanged some rings Todd got me (was that his code name?)...but why the heck would you bother buying me another ring the month before you ignore everything about me? I'm in revenge mode for sure. I got a ring in return that has a pretty pearl on it and I named it my "freedom ring." *insert laughter here, because it's okay*
Did you know it's pointless to sell you silver to a buyer? I had an ounce + and he was only going to give me $ not worth it when you buy those rings for so much more. I'll probably sell them on craigslist. Or I'll toss them out to that worth it? "Have a blessed day," the guy told me as I walked away. Shopping is not very blessed because I have a headache. Though once a guy "blessed" me because I found the cake mix he was looking for at the back of the bottom shelf. Team work. Get some.
Tuesday, April 2, 2013
Yesterday...all my troubles seemed so far away?
This snail is my new best friend. He came out of no where as I was sitting out at the table in the yard. I was just drawing up some plans for my dream when I felt something on my foot. I almost brushed him away until I noticed it was a super friendly snail. I've never met a snail you could just pick up and move without it hiding away in it's shell. It was a fun few minutes but then I had to put him back in the grass where he belonged.
No good deed goes unpunished. I came up with that saying the time when I was randomly trimming the hedges at GPs house and a bee stung me! So, yesterday I was watering the garden and then I decided to trim back this flowering plant because it was getting out of control, and then ants started biting me! Mosquito bites will go away if you don't scratch them, but ant bites stick around and itch like crazy! It's like karma is all mixed up. Get your shit together karma.
This summer I will have to practice my name remembering skills. I'm really good at meeting a dog and knowing it's name right away (sometimes I mix their names up though) these days, but humans are another story. I feel like I've talked about this before so I'll just make sure I remember this goal since I do keep bringing it up.
Hmmm...what makes me feel good? Drawing up the plans to my dream! The outline is to have land big enough for the following:
- My Live-in Studio/Gallery
- Large Greenhouse Garden
- Chicken Coup
- Doggy Haven
- Cat Haven
Doesn't that just sound like super fun?! Having everything in one place is good for me. (My studio right now is about 3 miles away and I never feel like making the effort to drive the effortless way.) I guess I wont be able to afford to build everything at once so I'll start with the house, then go with the garden. After that I can sell some of the produce to start on the chicken coup. Then I can sell the eggs and produce. After that I can build the Doggy Haven which will hold at least 5 dogs rescued from death row. Lastly I'll make the Cat Haven because I assume that cats get put on death row too and that's sad! I can foster out the animals or adopt them out. I'll need to figure out the odds and inns of all of these different things, but right now I'll just focus on perfecting the drawings. BABY STEPS!
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