I heard North Korea wants to hit us with nukes. What a joke! I don't mean that I don't believe it or that it's funny...I mean, what is wrong with people? Who's down for "accio missile"? That's a spell that will call whatever you need or want to you. Wouldn't that be a sight to see flying through the air?! Racism is really bad there too. Apparently the leader denied South Korean access to a job sight where both North and South worked. However, even if we had witchcraft and wizardry there would still be people with power trips thinking that it's cool to be bad. It's not cool. Right now all I can do, as a civilian, is pray that God gives strength to the people in that North Korean military system that know this is wrong. It's not just in the movies a bully can be overthrown.
Jefferson Bethke is sort of a spokes person on having faith is Jesus. He has his own You Tube videos that I watched last night that really opened my eyes to how things could be when dealing with marriage. I wrote a journal entry around it that I would like to share with you. It helped me feel lighter hearing and understanding in my own way what it could all mean. (At the bottom of this post are the links to the videos).
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April 3, 2013
If there was no such thing as "free will" we would never feel like doing absolutely nothing = sitting on the couch watching soaps and eating potato chips.
There is no such thing as "the one." Just choose for yourself and become a team. All you need is who works well with you - there are no "perfect" matches because if there was such a thing a perfection there would never be disagreements.
God didn't give us fingernails that grow so that we let them grow until they curl. God gave us a body that we would have to tend to. It's out of respect to ourselves...it's how God helps us to respect ourselves.
Everything, however, is up to you. No matter how lost you become to yourself and how hated you are by others, you are always in the sight of God and loved by God. It's your choice to acknowledge it, but why not choose it?
You will go down your own path and make your own decision - but who do you turn to, who do you give the things you don't want to handle to?
Marriage is just team work - you can build a team made of anyone.
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My journal is just as sporadic as my blogs and my brain. Can you tell? After rereading it I always have the same question, but I don't ask anyone: Why not choose God? I put the following as my facebook status after watching an old episode of Grey's Anatomy, "If I didn't believe in something bigger than myself, that powerlessness would eat me alive." I believe that wholeheartedly and I can explain it most when I am in emotional pain. However, having connected my heart with this idea that there is no such thing as "the one" I have a minuscule amount of emotional pain left on the subject of heart break.
I think this idea would help someone who is having a hard time accepting faith into their hearts. I don't ever want to force it onto someone, I just want to understand the whats and whys of what helps their engines run.
Who you end up marrying can still be about crossing paths at just the right moment that you heart pollen bursts into the air (I was just thinking about this time my family was in Belgium and they told us that you could be walking right under the tree right when it releases it's pollen. So funny! Poof!). Your free will, however, is what keeps you from acting and your heart is what will decide...not some line of lovers. I mean think about it, if one person marries the wrong person and suffers for the rest of their lives in this "lie" then the whole lineage is wrong after them. Make sense? Jeff brought that up and I finally understood. OR IS THIS WHY SOME PEOPLE DIE ALONE???!!! I hope not.
Sometimes, all you really need to ask yourself is, "What would Jesus do?" If you don't want to believe in Jesus, go for it...as for me, it's hard to forget him. Trust me, I recently tried. This Easter season had me thinking, "What's the point in Jesus? I can just believe in God and feel fulfilled." However, having someone so good and humble to look back on is the best thing one could have. If you don't want to have faith in Jesus, think about a person around you that you can put your faith into. Someone that you can rely on every minute of every day.
Who the hell determines whether someone is "clear" to wage nuclear war? It wasn't me!!! I have faith that this product (the thing that can blow up the missle in the air away from it's target) will work. I don't worry...because I have faith. If Melancholia decided to crush the earth, I would have faith that we could live again. (That's a movie...and it's kind of depressing...and the first 8 minutes is hard to watch SSLLLLOOOOWWWW MOOOOOTTTTIONNNNNN.)
Those are the links to the videos I watched and have responded to. Make your own opinion!!!
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