A lot of times haircuts make me feel paranoid. Did I cut it too short? Does this look bad? Do I look like a boy? Can I wear anything with the do? Should I dye my hair to match my mood? Will it start to look better as it grows out? Will I need to go back in a month to get it trimmed up? Will it look terrible when it starts to grow out while I'm away for the summer?
My stylist, Christina, has become a really wonderful staple to my hair life. Going back to the same person each time has given me new confidence to saying my true opinions about how the haircut is going. It was about an hour and a half haircut. Some people may think that that is forever, but this girl has formed an art with her style of haircutting. You get your do washed, shampoo and conditioner (duh), then she parts it down the middle for symmetry. After applying a rough draft to your do she drys it completely and puts the fine details into each section of hair. A bit later and...vwala! Hair masterpiece.
I had a really great haircut last time I went to her and it was so good I let it grow out for a couple of months and it still looked awesome. I had to get a haircut this month because it was no longer looking as awesome. I was torn, however, between leveling the angled bob versus getting a pixie look. I made up my mind rather quickly when I found a chart on Pinterest on how to grow your hair out and style it at each stage. From there I said, "I'm just going to start at the beginning." So...stage one complete! I'm sure I was already at stage 3, maybe just 2, but I didn't have a plan! I feel like, if I can stick to this plan then my dream plans can be stuck to as well! Start small BUT start now! I read that somewhere.
I don't pride myself on taking good "selfies"...because I don't, so you get a corny picture of me showing you my No.1 do. What I really need to do is dye my hair black and see how fast the roots grow so that I can see how long it will take to get to each stage! Nah.
Now, if only I could find the inspiration to get back into the art studio. Harrumph!
I don't think I've ever seen a growing out guide before, it's a good idea.